Global Environmental Policy Faculty
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- Professor of Environmental Social Sciences, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and, Professor, by courtesy, of Economics
- Assistant Professor of Environmental Social Sciences
- Associate Professor of Environmental Social Sciences, Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute, at the Woods Institute for the Environment, at SIEPR and Associate Professor, by courtesy of Earth System Science
- Professor of Environmental Social Sciences and of Earth System Science
- Charles Louis Ducommun Professor in the School of Humanities & Sciences, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research & Professor of Environmental Social Sciences
- Associate Dean for Integrative Initiatives in Institutes and International Partnerships, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, of Environmental Social Sciences and Higgins-Magid Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute
- David S. Lobel Professor in Business and Sustainability, Professor of Environmental Social Sciences and Professor, by courtesy, of Economics
- Professor of Environmental Social Sciences
- Professor of Environmental Social Sciences (Starting July 2025)
- William Wrigley Professor, Professor of Environmental Social Sciences, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute, at the Freeman Spogli Institute and Professor, by courtesy, of Economics and of Earth System Science